List of Best Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

Hair fall has become a significant concern for a majority of the population. Be it a young adult or a middle-aged man, every other person is suffering from Hairfall. 

However, long gone are the days when the only known method of curing hair fall was going to the dermatologist or trichologist. 

Also Read: Acupressure Points for Hair Growth

In this era, the internet has answers to almost all your questions and not to mention that some of them are free and effective. One such solution for hair loss is the acupressure technique. A few points on our body can help us recover our body ailments effectively simply by massaging them daily. 

You ask What acupressure is and what are these acupressure points for hair fall. Relax; all you need to know about acupressure and acupressure points for hair fall is to read this article carefully and follow it. 

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Yes, that’s all you need to do. We’ve got everything covered for you, from causes to its treatment, and of course, do check out the frequently asked question for additional information.

What is the main cause of hair fall?

We live in a stressful world, and the primary cause of hair fall is the same. Hair fall can be caused due to variety of reasons like stressnot taking a healthy dietmessed up sleep schedule, or it might be due to genetics

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Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

To fix your hair fall problems, you should first know the root cause of it. Read further to discover the possible causes of hair loss in detail. 

What causes hair fall in males?

Among the various causes of hair loss in men, the most common is genetics. Also known as Androgenetic alopecia

Another reason for hair loss in men is medical conditions like autoimmune diseases, anemia, and infections that affect the hair. Hormonal changes due to thyroid changes, medications, and aging can cause hair fall too.

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Moreover, stress and shock can temporarily cause hair fall problems. One of the causes of hair fall in men includes impulse control disorders like trichotillomania. 

In trichotillomania, the patient has a compulsive urge to pull out his hair. Other causes include harsh chemicals, heat, grooming habits, or damaging hairstyles.

What causes hair fall in females?

Again the causes can be many; some overlap with the causes of hair loss in men, like stress or shock, usage of harsh chemicals, heat, grooming habits or damaging hairstyles, etc. 

One of the reasons for hair loss in women is hormonal imbalance. These hormonal imbalances can be caused by menopause or pregnancy, leading to medical conditions like lichen planus, scalp infections, lupus, hair-pulling disorder, sarcoidosis, or an autoimmune disorder. 

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Medications too can have an adverse effect on our hair, for example, cancer drugs, radiation therapy on the head, intaking vitamin A, etc. Or conditions like high fever, sudden weight loss, surgery, and loss of loved ones can also trigger hair loss in women.

There are various types of alopecia, too, which can cause hair loss, like androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata, etc.

Which vitamin deficiency causes hair fall?

Several vitamins play a role in maintaining healthy hair growth. Vitamins like vitamins B7, B12, C, D &E help grow hair

Vitamin D is important for proper hair follicle cycling

B7, commonly known as biotin helps in keratin synthesis; in layman terms, it helps in the structure formation of hair. 

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B12 is crucial for forming red blood cells, which carry oxygen and other nutrients to the cells. 

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production

And lastly, vitamin E plays a significant role in protecting the hair follicles from damage

Together these vitamins promote healthy growth of hair. Therefore, a deficiency of any of these vitamins can result in weaker and damaged hair, leading to hair fall.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair fall?

Mostly Vitamin D deficiency causes hair fall or hair thinning. Vitamin D promotes hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles; therefore, the hair might get affected when the body doesn’t get enough vitamin D. 

Scientific studies have proven low Vitamin D levels can lead to an autoimmune alopecia areata. A person suffering from alopecia areata starts losing hair in patches.

Can b12 deficiency cause hair fall?

Vitamin B12 has an important role to play in terms of hair growth. Vitamin B12 is also important for producing red blood cells that carry oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles. As a result, the deficiency of vitamin B12 may lead to an inadequate supply of these nutrients to the hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss. Other symptoms of Vitamin b12 deficiency include anemia, pale skin, weakness, tingling of hands and feet, etc. 

Can calcium deficiency cause hair fall?

Calcium is a very common aspect of hair loss. However, many people often ignore it. Calcium is one of the crucial elements that help keep our hair and nails healthy; therefore, the deficiency of calcium results in brittle nails and hair. If you notice that your hair is thinning daily, it could be a sign that you have a calcium deficiency. 

Which protein deficiency causes hair fall?

For hair to grow, it requires amino acids, which are an important part of proteins. Thus, protein deficiency can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Lack of protein can also lead to acute telogen effluviuma condition in which the patient has sudden weight loss because of low protein, as well as the diffuse alopecia seen in niacin deficiency.

Zinc contributes majorly to producing proteins that are crucial for hair growth. Apart from zinc, selenium, a trace mineral, also helps synthesize more than 35 proteins. As a result, a lack of zinc and selenium can lead to hair loss.

Can an iron deficiency cause hair fall?

Another common cause of hair loss, Iron deficiency. Iron is important in producing hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells (RBCs). 

Red Blood Cells carry oxygen to your body cells to repair and grow. This includes hair too. 

Many women have low levels of iron, due to which the hair fall caused; as a result, iron deficiency can look a lot like a male ad female pattern baldness. It can look like a random bald spot on your head to a significant amount of hair strands on your brush. A study published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science stated the same. 

How much hair fall is normal?

A normal hair fall ranges between losing 50 to 100 hair strands daily. If this is the count, then your hair falls under the normal category, which is considered a healthy process. 

However, it’s necessary to draw a clear distinction between normal hair fall and excessive hair fall. If you’re noticing an excess hair fall or can witness bald patches or thinning areas on your scalp, then it’s alarming, and you should consult a hair expert.

What are the Best Acupressure Points for hair fall?

Now that you know what causes hair fall, let’s go through the acupressure points that can help you cure your hair fall problem.

Wangu (GB12)

First, you must calm your mind and focus directly on the spine, between the top and bottom of the shoulder blades. The GV12, located in the area right between the shoulder blades, is a thoracic vertebra. Pressing this point repeatedly throughout the day will solve hair growth problems.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

Taiyang (EXTRA 5/M-HN-9)

In addition to promoting hair growth, this acupressure point is highly beneficial for headache relief. With a thumb or forefinger, apply gentle pressure to the Skull area anterior ⅓. Applying pressure in a circular motion is helpful.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

Fengchi (GB20)

For this acupressure point, you must apply continuous pressure in a circular motion on the region just behind your earlobe. Use your thumb or forefinger to apply pressure at this point. Fengchi, or GB 20 acupressure point, is very effective in promoting blood circulation in the neck, head, and scalp region.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

Baihui (GV 20)

Another acupressure point to improve blood circulation in the head region and promote hair growth is Baihui. Baihui or GV20 is located at the top of your head. Press the point while applying gentle pressure for over a minute, then release. After 30 seconds, repeat the process and do this a few times.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall


There is an LI1 point adjacent to the large intestine and right below the lumber vertebrae. As per the previous studies conducted on the same, it’s proven to be the most effective acupressure point that stimulates faster hair growth. To stimulate this point, you’ll have to press precisely 1mm below the left corner of your index fingernail of the right hand or right corner in the case of the left hand. Press the point for at least 2-3 minutes, then gently release. Do this daily, and you’ll surely start seeing significant results.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall


On the opposite side of the spine, between the shoulder blades. The acupressure point can also calm your chaotic or stressed mind. This acupressure point works for both women and men. It is also among the most commonly practiced acupressure points for hair growth. The technique for massaging this point is relatively simple. Take three fingers and put them at the point between the spine and the shoulder blade. Apply a little pressure and now begin to rub. Instantly you’ll start feeling relieved. This is to be performed on only one side of your spine at a time. As soon as it’s done, move to the other side and follow the same steps. Massage on each side for at least 3 minutes to yield effective results.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall


Undoubtedly, one of the best acupressure points to stimulate hair growth. The point is located at the Nickle portion, the inside portion of your forearm. 9.1 inches from the waistline to the shoulders and 6.5 inches below the elbow’s crease. This is also a secret acupressure point. Press the point twice or thrice, irrespective of the time, and it will help your hair grow. 

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall


Note this acupressure point because this can change your body for good. This hidden acupressure point is located in the front part of your thumb, near the crease of your wrist. The point is unknown to many hence it’s a hidden acupressure point. It has been proven in numerous studies to be one of the best acupressure spots to promote improved hair growth.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall

Along with improved hair growth, it also helps relieve physical stress in the arms and aids in better muscle contraction. Doctors often utilize this point while treating a wrist injury.

GV12 and GV14

The acupressure points G12 and G14 are the most important for hair fall. G12, a thoracic vertebra, is located between the shoulder blades. G14, on the other hand, is located at the back of the neck, just near the cervical vertebra. Both points are very powerful in ensuring hair growth. Massage these points with a thumb or a metal ball for a minute every day; in no time, you will start seeing the positive results these points will yield.

Acupressure Points for Hair Fall


Hair fall has become a common problem these days, because of which often it gets neglected. With our busy and stressful life, it’s becoming hard for people to cope and read the signs their body is giving. 

Often, hair fall can be due to some hidden ailment that our body is going through, and it uses hair fall as an alarming sign. It’s important to pay attention to our body’s signs and not ignore them, even if it’s as little as pale skin or brittle nails and hair.

However, your hair fall is not due to genetics and is more temporary. In that case, you can employ these acupressure points for hair fall.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Does dandruff cause hair fall?

Ans: Dandruff itself doesn’t result in hair fall. However, the constant itching and rubbing on the scalp caused due to dandruff can damage hair follicles, leading to hair fall.

Q2: Does conditioner cause hair fall?

Ans: No, the conditioner does not cause hair fall.

Q3: Can stress cause hair fall?

Ans: Yes, stress can cause hair fall, and today, stress has become one of the leading causes. 

Q4: Does oiling cause hair fall?

Ans: Yes, in certain conditions, oiling can cause hair fall. Oiling might accelerate the growth of Malassezia, causing dandruff and leading to scalp inflammation which may result in hair fall. 

Q5: What causes hair fall in teenage?

Ans: Factors like genetics, medical conditions, hormonal imbalance, or stress can cause hair loss in teenage.


Hello Friends, Shashi here. I am a Fitness trainer, reader, and writer. A long year back, I completed my diploma in nutrition and health. I hope, you are enjoying my health and fitness experience, sharing on trickyedu health's category.

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