Find Out How Long Edibles Can Be Detected In Your Body

Edibles last for a long time. Consuming these products releases a psychoactive effect that lingers over time. Despite these facts, consumers presume that edibles are safe for regular consumption. 

While it is true that cannabis is less potent than “hard drugs” like heroin or cocaine, that does not mean that edibles are safe. Edibles can result in adverse mental and physical side effects. Developing drug dependency and addiction is also possible. 

Most people consume edibles for one of two reasons: to get high recreationally or to find pain relief. You can find edibles in many forms, from baked goods to tinctures. Read on for more information on the answer to “How long do edibles stay in your system?”

Asking, “How Long do Edibles Stay in Your System?”

The answer to “How long do edibles stay in your system?” is about one to two weeks. After ingesting an edible, the cannabis product reaches the liver. Depending on how the food is ingested, the potency varies. For example, chocolates melt in the mouth, so THC reaches the bloodstream faster than would an edible brownie. 

How long do edibles stay in your system?

Effects of Edibles 

The psychoactive effects of edibles relieve pain and anxiety in the short term. In the liver, THC converts to 11-hydroxy THC, which results in a psychoactive effect that is stronger than smoking THC. It may take a few hours after consuming the edible before the effects begin. When you search “how long do edibles stay in your system?” you’ll learn that it may take thirty minutes and up to two hours before the effects begin.

The effects reach their peak within two to three hours. After setting in, they may last up to ten hours. The half-life of the product, the active ingredient, the amount of THC, and how many edibles the user has consumed influence how long the edibles last. 

Drug Test Timeframes 

Edibles are detected in four types of drug tests. THC edibles appear in drug screenings, and traces of the edibles are found in blood, hair, skin, and saliva tests. Asking, “How long do edibles stay in your system?” can be answered based on the window of time the drug can be detected in each drug test. 

The time window for each test varies on individual factors like:

  • Body mass 
  • Level of physical activity
  • Amount of water in the body 
  • Tolerance level
  • Frequency of drug consumption 

Following the last consumption, edibles can be found in urine for up to 30 days, in saliva for up to 3 days, and for up to four days in blood tests. Edible traces can be detected in hair tests for up to three months. 

The Possibility Of Lasting Recovery 

If you are struggling, do more than ask, “how long do edibles stay in your system?” Reach out to a drug detox and recovery center today. Real help and lasting recovery are possible if you want it. Contact a facility near you to learn about recovery programs for overcoming drug addiction.

Also read: Buy CBD Flower Online: Tips to Know 

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